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6 Jahre - übersetzen

The Life and Times of Michael Alig (2016)
Michael Alig was one of the most notorious club promoters in New York City during the early '90s whose downfall came when he bragged about murdering fellow Club Kid and drug dealer, Andre "Angel" Melendez, on TV. The nightlife scene was fictionalized in 2003's Party Monster, in which Macaulay Culkin plays Alig, but Glory Daze chronicles Alig's rise, fueled by a mix of drug use and sociopathy, and hard-and-fast fall.


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6 Jahre - übersetzen

Many political historians and social observers will spend the rest of their lives figuring out how Donald Trump became President of the United States. Republican political strategist Roger Stone, the subject of this quick-turnaround doc, knows the answer. It's grimy, provocative, and cutthroat. You won't like it. You will like this movie.


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6 Jahre - übersetzen

Living in the Material World
The debate over which Beatle is "the best" will still rage on centuries from now, but hey, allow acclaimed director Martin Scorsese to pitch you on George. This three-hour-and-28-minute doc explores every facet of Harrison's quirky personality, and makes the case that his cultural impact -- as an underrated Beatles songwriter, a vivid solo performer, a movie producer (and the reason most of us Americans know Monty Python), and a pioneer in the realm of benefit concerts -- can't be denied.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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6 Jahre - übersetzen

There is the Lady Gaga of then -- the meat dresses, the lobster hats -- and, as chronicled in this behind-the-scenes doc, the Gaga of now, a forceful, musical talent who's just as vulnerable as every other "little monster" on the planet. Gaga: Five Foot Two contextualizes the woman behind the belted anthems in everyday life, from seconds before her big Super Bowl halftime show to the doctor's office, where reality hits hard. As MTV's Diary once bluntly stated, "You think you know ... but you have no idea."


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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6 Jahre - übersetzen

After embedding us in an ER with his last film, director Peter Nicks now drops us into the Oakland Police Department for a two-year stretch as it continues to make improvements in conduct while under federal oversight. We go on ride-alongs, sit in on police academy lectures about changes that need to be made to win the trust of the citizens, and we go outside the station and encounter those citizens during community meetings and protests. This isn’t just an observational experience of the day to day of urban cops, though. Instead, brutal reality keeps rearing its ugly head, in the forms of shootings and scandals as The Force becomes a Sisyphean tale about the struggle to overcome systemic problems.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine