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Bad booze news!!! Guess how Der Trumpf is starting off his morning? Yeah, he's threatening to heap even more tariffs on major US trading partners. The latest salvo is aimed at the European Union and its alcoholic beverage industry, particularly France. Trump says...


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Trump Touts Tesla for President Musk In a post for MoreAboutAdvertising, I point out that back in my Mad Man days, few celebrities did car ads. Robert Di Nero did one for American Motors, but as a bit part actor, rather than a big buck's celeb....


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iconic beer pint woman’s haircut / À un cheveu près… THE ORIGINAL? Boddingtons Beer – 2002 Click the image to enlarge Source : Luerzer’s Archive Agency : BBH London (UK) LESS ORIGINAL Coopers Beer « Forever original » (lager top) – 2025 Click the image to enlarge Source : BestadsonTV Agency : Special (Australia)


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Another day... Another... In my non-stop endevour (Morse's first name) to bring you startling tit bits of information, be aware that last Friday was International women's day followed on Saturday by International Barbie day... Does this mean that at midnight on Friday they...


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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AdScam's book of the week. Apparently the Google AI gizmo is recommending Mein Kampf as an intelligent read with many thought provoking ideas. It has also been pointed out that it is on Der Trumpf's bedside table. Along with Melania's classic..."How to fake orgasmatrons with...


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