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Evaluate the text summarization capabilities of LLMs for enhanced decision-making on AWS Organizations across industries are using automatic text summarization to more efficiently handle vast amounts of information and make better decisions. In the financial sector, investment banks condense earnings reports down to key takeaways to rapidly analyze quarterly performance. Media companies use summarization to monitor news and social media so journalists can quickly write stories on […]

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Deploy a Hugging Face (PyAnnote) speaker diarization model on Amazon SageMaker as an asynchronous endpoint Speaker diarization, an essential process in audio analysis, segments an audio file based on speaker identity. This post delves into integrating Hugging Face’s PyAnnote for speaker diarization with Amazon SageMaker asynchronous endpoints. We provide a comprehensive guide on how to deploy speaker segmentation and clustering solutions using SageMaker on the AWS Cloud.

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Why can't robots outrun animals? Robotics engineers have worked for decades and invested many millions of research dollars in attempts to create a robot that can walk or run as well as an animal. And yet, it remains the case that many animals are capable of feats that would be impossible for robots that exist today.

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Improve accuracy of Amazon Rekognition Face Search with user vectors In various industries, such as financial services, telecommunications, and healthcare, customers use a digital identity process, which usually involves several steps to verify end-users during online onboarding or step-up authentication. An example of one step that can be used is face search, which can help determine whether a new end-user’s face matches those associated with […]


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