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Syria’s worst violence in months claims an estimated 1000 lives Syrian officials have acknowledged violations of humanitarian law, which they have blamed on unorganised masses wanting to support official security forces.


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Russian forces walked inside a gas pipeline to attack on Ukrainian troops from rear President Donald Trump said Ukraine “may not survive” as he continued to withhold American arms and intelligence in an effort to force Kyiv into peace negotiations with its invader.


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Exposed: Russian plot to flood Europe with migrants to influence elections Weaponising the flow of migrants is said to be a key aim of Vladimir Putin, the issue being a major factor in elections across Europe.


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Another execution eve on the lawn of Hong Lim Park Peaceful protest is a fundamental right in democratic states. Singapore, though, has a bob each way.


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‘I doubt it’: Top Trump adviser talks down chance of tariff exemption The Coalition will accuse the government of a major foreign policy failure if it cannot secure an exemption to the steel and aluminium tariffs this week.


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