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6 дней назад - перевести

Shade Cloth Part III: Shade The Sides As soon as you chose the perfect shade cloth percentage, chose from the bewildering array of colors, and proudly erect your new shade cloth structure, you may notice a failure of the thing to work.  Along the southern and western edge of the structure your plants are, after the first hike into the wicked temperature […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Bonsai profile picture
14 дней назад - перевести

What Bonsai Are Worked On In June? And, what do we do with them? This photo essay offers several answers. June and July are Satsuki Azalea months. After flowering the entire flower, with the ovary, is removed. Another Satsuki losing its flowers. Carmen has found some tight wire, something else to watch for at this time of year. This one, the Kinsai variety, […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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21 дней назад - перевести

Yellow Needles On Conifers: Trouble? This is a common worry, so if you’ve worried about it, you’re not alone.  Mountain Hemlock as an example, though this can be applied to many conifers. The newer needles are pale, which indicates weakness. The inner needles are starting to yellow. Is this a problem? Not necessarily.  Weaker trees do lose more needles. Just […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Bonsai profile picture
28 дней назад - перевести

Shade Cloth Part II: What Color? Most shade cloth is black. But there is also green. Red. Grey. White. Silver. And we might wonder, there a difference, other than looks? A few experiments have shown that shade cloth color can influence plant growth. One experiment showed an increase in internode length and leaf width in blueberries grown under black shadecloth. The […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Bonsai profile picture
1 месяц назад - перевести

Shade Cloth Part 1: A Sliding Scale Years ago in the bonsai garden I put up what I thought was the best guess for shade cloth: 30%, meaning, 70% of the light passed through. After several years it was apparent that was not enough, and we switched it with 40%. Since then, in another area, we have put up 50%.  This led […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine