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Is It Time to Switch Your Curriculum? As the school year draws to a close, within the flurry of finishing school work and making summer plans, there’s a valuable opportunity for homeschool parents to pause and reflect. While your memory is fresh, take the time to assess how well your chosen curriculum has met the needs of your family.

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Your Guide to the End of the School Year The end of the homeschool year is fast approaching. It’s an exciting time for students as they finish grade-level activities and get ready for summer. For homeschool parents, there are many tasks to complete in preparation for the end of the school year. Taking the time to review current curriculum progress, update homeschool records and documentat

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Keep the Momentum Going With AOP Summer Learning Activities The long, warm days of summer are coming soon, and now is the time to start making plans. While you may be planning family vacations or other activities, keeping your child’s learning momentum going to prepare for the next school year or to prevent learning loss over the summer is something to consider as well.

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Preparing for Life After High School: A 5-Point Checklist Life after high school is an exciting time, but also one that can cause some anxiety for students and parents. Preparing for life after high school can reduce stress and help teens and parents feel confident about the future. 1. Prepare for and complete college applications.Planning for college begins well before graduation. Many students take adva

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5 Tips to Shake off the Mid-Year Slump and Start Strong Both students and teachers can struggle with finding the motivation to keep up with the homeschool routine over time. But with some homeschool education strategies in place, you can conquer the mid-year slump. Start the new semester strong with these practical strategies to reenergize your homeschool routine.Tip #1 Give your learning space a makeov

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