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Q (‘Quelle’) Material: Origin, Content, and Christology  Q (from “Quelle”, meaning “source”) is a hypothetical source that most historians maintain the authors of both the gospels of Matthew and Luke used when writing their respective accounts (Kloppenborg 2008, 1519). It is necessary to posit a second common source in order to account for the roughly 4,000 words shared by the gospels of […]

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Who were the Sadducees During the Time of Jesus?  The Sadducees were an aristocratic Jewish group, both priestly and lay, of the early Jewish era who continued to exist in some form until after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE.  Their beliefs are not articulated in much detail in the available sources, although it is clear that they did not observe the oral […]

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Who were the Pharisees During the Time of Jesus? As a group of Jewish religious figures that flourished before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE (Gurtner 2008, 1465), the Pharisees numbered about 6,000 (cf. Ant. 13.10.6:298; 18.1.3:20; 17.2.4:42) during the time of Jesus of Nazareth’s ministry (Sanders 1985). The origin of the Pharisees is uncertain, although they may have derived from a group […]

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The Historical Context of Jesus: Roman Rule in Palestine  Rome’s involvement in the religious and political processes of Palestine had significantly altered Jewish reality. In 161 BCE, the Palestinian Jews first experienced Roman influence as beneficial. On several occasions, the Maccabees contracted and renewed an alliance with the Romans as a protection against hostile neighbors (1 Macc. 8; 12; 14:16, 24; 15:15–24; Ant. 12.10.6:414–19; […]

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The Teachings of Jesus Christ: God as “Father” A prominent feature of Jesus of Nazareth’s (c. 6-4 BCE–c. 30 CE) teachings in the New Testament gospels is found in his repeated references to God as “Father” (Poirer 2008, 822). This was not a unique invention of Jesus’ as he did not pioneer this view as “nowhere does the New Testament begin from scratch […]

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