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A Prayer to Deepen Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit - Your Daily Prayer - January 15 The Spirit of God radically transformed Paul's life. As we deepen our walk with Jesus, the same happens for us, too.


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A Prayer for Wayward Children and Grandchildren - Your Daily Prayer - January 14 We don't know what is going on in the hearts and minds of wayward children and grandchildren. God doesn't ask us to know, but God does say to ask, seek, knock, and pray without ceasing.


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A Prayer for Joy This Winter - Your Daily Prayer - January 13 Whatever is getting you down and causing you to believe that you cannot find joy in this season, we are going to fight back today with prayer by the Spirit, with the Word of God as our anchor.


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A Prayer for God's Protection in the New Year - Your Daily Prayer - January 8 Child of God, you are protected. Christ follower, who claims and calls on Jesus as Savior, you will be protected.


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A Prayer for Unwavering Faith in the Waiting - Your Daily Prayer - January 7 If you are in a waiting season today, find encouragement from Rahab’s example. May we all hold on to unwavering faith in the waiting. God will strengthen us as we wait, and our faith will grow as we fully trust in him.


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