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A Prayer for When We Struggle with Prayer - Your Daily Prayer - March 8 Prayer is rooted in love, so when we feel discouraged with our prayers, the task before us returns to the start of faith: our love for Jesus.


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A Prayer When People Misunderstand You - Your Daily Prayer - March 7 What might God want to help you release so you can see Him more?


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A Prayer When You Are Faced with an Incurable Diagnosis - Your Daily Prayer - March 6 Though my life has changed with a new hardship, God’s plans for me will not be thwarted.


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A Lenten Prayer for God to Bring Beauty from Ashes - Your Daily Prayer - March 5 And it leaves its mark, like ashes of grief, in the deepest parts of our souls, where no one but God can really see.


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A Prayer Inspired by Abraham’s Faith - Your Daily Prayer - March 4, 2025 Obedience calls us out of comfort and into the places where God creates new things within us.


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