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1 day ago - Translate

Susan Carlson Throwback Thursday: Fabric Collage at the International Quilt Festival-Houston Some of you may know that my collection of quilts entitled “Specimens” had its premier at the International Quilt Festival-Houston in 2016—the subject of today’s Throwback Thursday post. Since then, […]

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6 days ago - Translate

Susan Carlson Fabric Collage Finish Line: Summer Fish-Tales We hadn’t planned it this way, but my two blog posts this week worked out quite nicely for this Memorial Day Weekend—a time to gather with and remember others—but it […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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9 days ago - Translate

Susan Carlson Throwback Thursday: Fabric Collage Wings and Fins—Not to be Missed As we count down the days to the official start of summer, Memorial Day, some of you may have a different idea of “wings” on your mind, like BBQ wings […]

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