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Costa Rica Birding News- June, 2024 Coming to Costa Rica in June? It’s gonna be good! More elbow room, lots of bird activity, I’m already looking forward to it. For me, it’s a good time of year to search for nesting birds, fruiting trees, and enjoy fresh, cloudy weather. Yeah, fresh, cloudy weather in June. Who would have thought? It’s June […]


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    Costa Rica profile picture

Is Summer a Good Time for Birding in Costa Rica? Summer is here! Yeah, it’s still May but why beat around the bush? On the northern breeding grounds, a bevy of warblers are singing from fresh-foliaged woods. Ruffed Grouse are mixing it up with sub-sonic beats, Scarlet Tanagers are blazing through the woods, and Eastern Kingbirds are back on their royal territories. I haven’t been […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Global Big Day- May 11th, 2024, Costa Rica Another Global Big Day is in the books! if we birders had an official holiday, I’m pretty sure it would be Global Big Day. In a sense, it already is. After all, we put other things aside to celebrate, commemorate, and rejoice by going birding. I almost wish we weren’t so busy birding on Global […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Expectations for Birding in Costa Rica- 4 High Elevation Areas Costa Rica is such a mountainous country. It’s quite the change from where I hail from. Even though I’ve lived in Costa Rica for several years, the uplifted scenery is still sort of unbelievable. In Western New York, the nearest biggest ranges gently slope their way up to 2,000 feet. As I write this, I’m […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Things I Wish I’d Packed A summary of several thousand comments from visitors on the Costa Rica Travel Group when asked what they should have brought on vacation. leave it | bring it | on both lists | full packing list | why pack it? Obviously what you should bring on a trip to Costa Rica depends on what you’re […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine