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2 дней назад - перевести

Wild Roses Some wild roses for you this morning. These are right next to the big maple tree. They’re all over the property and, as I have stated before, 99% of the time I call them brambles and they’re an annoyance. I constantly have to prune them. I’ve been pricked more times than I can count. But […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Cottage profile picture
3 дней назад - перевести

Three, Four, Shut the Door 34. That’s all I need to say. I never watch television during the day, but lately, during the trial, I’ve occasionally tuned into Nicolle Wallace around 4 pm. So I happened to be watching as they got the news that the verdict was in. I called to Don to “get in here!” Justice served. Thank […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Cottage profile picture
5 дней назад - перевести

Life, Lately It’s been just plain crazy around here over the past few weeks. An ant invasion, poison ivy, my hand injury and now, 1) Don’s shoulder is bothering him and very painful, so I’m doing my best to help him out, 2) after bringing home his car and using it over the weekend for 2 gigs, […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Cottage profile picture
9 дней назад - перевести

Webs and Wildflowers The secret garden with the addition of the Dame’s rocket/wild phlox that has just sprung up everywhere. I swear, my wish is that this phlox lasted all summer long because the tall splashes of color up in the woods and by the shed and here in the secret garden are so lovely. Plus, we have […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Cottage profile picture
10 дней назад - перевести

Wildflowers, Deer, and Puzzles Fleabane. Saw a beautiful deer early this morning just after he chomped on my David phlox. The deer must like that plant because they did the same thing last year as well, Drat! It will come back, eventually. In the meantime, it’s time to spray the garden again. Our thunderstorms turned out to be relatively […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine