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One place to get inspiration - Al Capone      People often ask, “Where did you get the idea for this story?” They are often surprised by the answer: daydreams. Perhaps they expect my Muse to whisper to me as I sleep and dream. I am not Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet. My dreams are disappointing.           I can have a Star Wars level murder mystery working in my head, but my dreams,

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WHAT ARE YOU READING? “A book to me is like a friend, a shelter, advice, an argument with someone who cares enough to argue with me for a better answer than the one we both already have. Books aren’t just door to another world–each book is part of a door to the whole world, a door that always has […]


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Hercule Poirot and the Greenshore Folly (2014) by Agatha Christie Last Autumn it occurred to me that whilst I knew about this novella, I hadn’t actually read it yet. Fortunately, Santa sent me a copy at Christmas, so I was able to remedy this deficiency before the end of the year. Synopsis ‘An urgent telephone call summons Poirot to Devonshire on what Miss Lemon declares […]


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Ireland, Smuggling, and the Strange Things You Learn in the Name of Research As a writer, you never know where a story idea will come from. While I was doing research for Irish wedding traditions, I stumbled across the fact that booze is often smuggled into a wedding reception to avoid paying the costs of drinks at a fancy hotel. I haven’t personally done this—have you? A flask […]


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Crime and the City: Botswana Landlocked and composed mostly of the Kalahari Desert, the Republic of Botswana borders South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia. The size of France though home to only 2.5 million people, 85 per cent of whom as Tswana. Formally a British colony known as the Bechuanaland Protectorate, Botswana gained independence in 1966. Its capital, Gaborone, has […]


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