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Trump’s Riviera Not satisfied with making enemies of our neighbors to the north and south, not to mention Europe, Trump stunned even his own staff* with a proposal he’s been thinking about for a month or two that has now alienated him from even his Saudi pals. He proposed that the Palestinians be relocated to Egypt and […]

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The Crime Of Naming Musk’s Kiddies It was said so often as to lose any seriousness, as Trump accused his myriad enemies of having committed some unstated crime and should be punished, the punishment ranging from prison to death. In other news, randos on twitter constantly claim some act, whether innocuous or constitutionally protected, is a crime, throwing in acronyms like […]


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The New Joke Of Confidentiality It was bad enough when Trump, without prior warning, decided to let the Russian foreign minister and ambassador into the Oval Office, where he gave them highly classified information because it seemed like a good idea to him at the time. And then there were the classified documents he showed off at Mar-a-lago, because what […]

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How Much Will Republican Senators Swallow? During the confirmation hearing of K$H Patel, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy questioned whether Patel would be party to Trump’s “retribution” tour. During Mr. Patel’s testimony on Thursday, Senator John Kennedy, Republican of Louisiana, told Mr. Patel that lawmakers would hold him accountable if he tried to exact revenge at the F.B.I., saying two wrongs did […]

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Money Can’t Buy Them Love ABC settled its defamation suit with Trump for $15 million. Meta settled its suit with Trump for its post-January 6th suspension of his accounts for $25 million. The New York Times is reporting that Paramount, owner of 60 Minutes, is in settlement talks with Trump for editing the interview with Kamala Harris. What all three […]

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