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Per Second – Vibrations / Cycles / Waves / Rate / Frequency » see the data


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Distribution of all the water in all the world One of our favourite images from the book Knowledge is Beautiful by David McCandless (HarperCollins 2014) » see the visualization » See the data

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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New workshop dates. Rare in-person session. Introducing two half days format and new data-storytelling component Announcing special workshops and trainings to celebrate our 15th anniversary. Coming up: A rare in-person session in LDN with IIB founder David McCandless. Plus A virtual workshops running on two half days (a much requested new format). And a live ‘performance-data-journalism’ show in London 25th Nov. Learn how to turn numbers, ideas & data into […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Dataviz of the Month – Jun / July 2024 Every month we pick and share some of our favourite infographics, visualisations and data stories. Here’s what we found in our work folders and around the web. CREATED BY US » How might the USA reach carbon net zero by 2050? Well, for a start: ☀️ it’s ripe for solar power. » What really increases […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Most Beautiful News of the Year 2023 Ending the year on a positive note, our picks of positive trends and admirable global breakthroughs of 2023. Part of our Beautiful News project. There we surface the good news and happy data we can’t always see when fixated on the negativity of the news. » See the charticle » Explore the data and sources

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine