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17 hrs ago - Translate

Fieldwork Diary #5: Why did I take my blanket for a walk in the woods? Will McLellan takes us on a tour of his work on tick density in human-impacted environments. What are you studying? The word ‘tick’, to most people, would bring to mind a symbol on an exam answer sheet that says “well done!”, you got that question right “good job!”. For others, a tick might be a […]


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3 days ago - Translate

Where have all the right whales gone? Marine researchers have mapped the density of one of the most endangered large whale species worldwide, the North Atlantic right whale, using new data to help avoid right whales' harmful exposure to commercial fisheries and vessel strikes. The resulting maps, spanning 20 years of whale observations, are publicly available to inform risk assessments, estimations of whale harm/disturbance, marine spatial planning, and industry regulations to mitigate risk to right whales.

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5 days ago - Translate

Congratulations to Indra Boving, winner of the 2023 Haldane Prize! Functional Ecology is delighted to announce that the winner of the 2023 Haldane Prize is Indra Boving! The Haldane Prize is awarded annually for the best paper published in the journal by an early career researcher. Winner: Indra Boving Research: Live fuel moisture and water potential exhibit differing relationships with leaf-level flammability thresholds In this blog post, we ask Indra some questions about her research …


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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5 days ago - Translate

Ants in Colorado are on the move due to climate change Ant species living in Boulder's foothills have shifted their habitat over the last six decades, potentially affecting local ecosystems, suggests a new study.

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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6 days ago - Translate

Deforestation harms biodiversity of the Amazon's perfume-loving orchid bees A survey of orchid bees in the Brazilian Amazon state of Rond nia, carried out in the 1990s, is shedding new light the impact of deforestation on the scent-collecting pollinators, which some view as bellwethers of biodiversity in the neotropics.

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine