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Hague Child Abduction and Habitual Residence Lawyers MacLean Law’s Hague Child Abduction and Habitual Residence Lawyers want the public to understand that The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction [Hague Convention] is a multilateral treaty, entered into force in 1983, that numerous countries, including Canada and the United States, have joined. In today’s blog energetic Allard Law School […]

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Parental Alienation and Reverse-Parenting Orders – A “Drastic” Remedy Today’s blog by senior family lawyer Peter Graburn, concerns Parental Alienation and Reverse-Parenting Orders – A “Drastic” Remedy. Our Vancouver Parental Alienation and Calgary parental alienation lawyers know prompt action in these cases is key as is long term monitoring. Parental Alienation. A term that is raised a lot in high-conflict family law matters these […]

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Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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