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Veganism is a social justice issue, not just a plant-based diet or lifestyle: Kadri Aavik (EE) “One of my research participants in the vegan men study captured the idea of veganism very aptly: veganism means minimising harm to the extent that it is possible, with the resources you have.”

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I like to question the current norms of visibility: Marjukka Irni (FI) “My art is political. One can find political dimension in almost every piece of art. Also, one can look at art with a political mindset/gaze.”

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Educating human persons and fundraising are positive ways to tackle animal suffering: Amanda George (UK) “Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.”

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My music is ideas for soundtracks of non-existent movies: Efe Ce Ele aka Efe Cabrera López (CO/ES)  “I don't like to define or condition myself to a genre or style, I love cinematic textures. I love to think of my music as soundtracks, even if it is ambient or rhythm based, for hearing or dance. So you can find in my discography a lot of experiments, some peaceful sounds, other hard and heavy beats, but more or less all my music are ideas of soundtracks for non-existent movies.”

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I didn’t really realise how important feminism was until I became a mother: Daphne Sivetidis (SE/GR) “Currently, migrant solidarity movements and anti-fascist movements are important to me, as well as Black Lives Matter and other decolonial movements. Personally though, I like to get involved in grassroots neighbourhood based movements which build social connections and bring different people together to make small changes in their everyday lives.”

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