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Everybody Wants Their Own Toothbrush Psychologists have introduced thousands of new constructs and measures over the past few decades in their quest to understand human behavior. Check that, it seems to have nothing to do with understanding human behavior, which is, in theory, their job.   Instead, it appears to be the confluence of publisher bias for novelty and everybody wanting […]


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Why they give It can be hard to remember why donors donate. It’s hard because their reasons are usually simpler and more internal than our reasons for valuing our cause. That’s why so much fundraising misses the mark. Because it basically says, “You should donate to this for these reasons” — backed up by facts, statistics, and high-flown […]

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4 ways direct-response fundraising might break down Is your fundraising program going where you need it to go? It might not be. Here’s a look at how things can go wrong from Mike Duerksen on LinkedIn:

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