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“Hacktivism” Drives 50% Of Cyber Attacks
What exactly is hacktivism? Hacktivism is the use of cybercrime and cyber attacks to promote any political agenda. Though it is a play on the word “activism,” many do not see hacktivism as a positive thing. Hacktivism is a major motivator for cybercrime, and may account for about half of cyber attacks around the world (source).


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It Is Estimated That There Will Be Over 6 Billion Internet Users By 2022
This means that 6 billion people will be vulnerable to cybercrime. That’s 75% of the projected 2022 world’s population! To put this in perspective, in 2017, there are 7 billion people and 3.5 billion internet users – that’s 51% of the world’s population (source).


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Email Attachments Are The #1 Delivery Method For Malware
Email scams are definitely not a new trick. They continue to cause huge problems for individuals and employers alike. They remain as the number 1 delivery method for malware and can have a high success rate. Hackers sending just 10 email scams may have up to a 90% success rate (source). In Canada, the number one online activity internet users engage in is using email at 92%!


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Some Cybercrimes Are Inside Jobs – 59% Of Employees Steal Data When They Quit Or Get Fired
It is not just the silent, unknown hackers you have to worry about. Insider threats are also becoming increasingly problematic. Sometimes, insider threats happen on purpose – employees intend to harm the company. Other times, insider threats happen by accident – an employee accidentally releases information or trusts the wrong person with a password or other company information (source).


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Cybercrime Is A Lucrative “Business”
Unfortunately, many cybercriminals make off with hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Though the average cybercriminal is not making the same amount as those on the FBI’s Most Wanted List, they still can make quite the living. Some have estimated that the average hacker makes over $90,000 a year (source).


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