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4 años - Traducciones

10 Health Benefits of Baldness Going bald at an early age is not something that people generally enjoy.  It can be a cause of stress and low self-esteem.  But did you know that there are some health and lifestyle advantages of going bald? It’s true, there really are.  Some of them you might know already while some might surprise you. […]

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4 años - Traducciones

What Is Melanin And How Does It Affect Gray Hair? If you have looked up anything about gray hair, then you have probably also at least heard about something called melanin. However, you may not know exactly what melanin is and how it affects your hair. This is important information for you to know if you are looking for ways to postpone going gray.  What […]

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4 años - Traducciones

10 Tips to Manage Stress and How it Can Help Prevent Hair Loss We have all been stressed out at one point in our lives.  Some of us might even suffer from chronic stress that has a major effect on our bodies. You might forget that your hair is part of your body and can respond negatively to the stress that is put on your body daily.  Stress-related […]

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4 años - Traducciones

Why Stress And Genetics Are The Number One Causes For Gray Hair In Men There are far too many things that cause gray hair to list them all. Between different diseases such as hyperthyroidism and different medications that can cause you to gray, it can be quite concerning that you will go gray far too early. Sometimes gray hair, especially just a little around the edges, can make you […]

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4 años - Traducciones

Ten Tips On How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair Once you start to notice those gray hairs popping up here and there, your first thought is most likely that you are far too young to be going gray. After that, your second thought is more than likely going to be how to get rid of the gray. While you can cover up the gray […]

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