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8 Stunden - übersetzen

The Moper (Limerick) A fellow who frequently mopes,Moaned, “Ev’rything dashes my hopes!”He even bewailedA self-hanging that failed:“The NEXT time, I’m learning the ropes!”

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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8 Stunden - übersetzen

How Curb Got Enthusiastic This is a very interesting interview (and often funny) that Larry David did with Joe Scarborough for Morning Joe.  It not only covers Larry's career, starting with floundering as a stand-up comic and briefly a writer for Saturday Night Live, but also has a lot of background footage about how his show Curb Your Enthusiasm is made.  Most fun -- and surprising -- is hearing Larry talk about things in his life and career, and then seeing clips of Seinfeld for how they much later turned int [...]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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8 Stunden - übersetzen

Meet Dave, the guy who always has fewer finals than you “Huh? A final? What’s that?” In the days leading up to Study Period, you may notice a student who sits in the Retreat and appears to have absolutely no work to do, despite the fact that finals are mere days away. This is Dave. The Miscellany News was granted a rare interview with Dave last […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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8 Stunden - übersetzen

Quiz: Which career is the best fit for you? Ahem. Hello there! Good day, and welcome to my office. Yes, that hanging plant is new. Thank you for noticing. Anyway, you’re here because you want my fabulous career advice. I have a very high success rate when it comes to placing people into the careers they subconsciously desire. Everyone was put on this work […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine