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The way towards net-zero emissions Achieving net zero involves technology pathways as well as financial flows of investments towards the construction of the associated physical infrastructure.

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Preserving the gains revealed by the National Family Health Survey-5 The survey points to an improvement in the status of Indian women in certain critical areas that will need to be protected and consolidated

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Omicron threat and emergency responses  lt is in our national interest to expedite a policy shift and start vaccinating our kids. Regulatory agencies and policymakers must consider this with utmost urgency

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The earliest rock-cut monuments in India All the caves of the Barabar and Nagarjuni hills were donated as dwellings to Ajivika ascetics. It was an ancient Indian religion that however completely vanished after the 14th century.

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1971 war against Pakistan: The making of Indian victory One of the primary reasons for the quick and resounding Indian victory was the sound articulation of political objectives from which the military aims were extracted

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