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Foreign State-Sponsored Disinformation in the Pacific Islands Disinformation stories are used by foreign states as an attempt to influence opinions and framing of foreign policy in the Pacific. Learning from recent experiences in the Pacific Islands may help identify shifts in the online environment that will have domestic and international ramifications.

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Book Review: Belarus in Crisis: From Domestic Unrest to the Russia-Ukraine War Hansbury’s book examines Belarus’s 2020 uprising, Lukashenka’s survival strategies, and the West’s response. While insightful and engaging, it overlooks key diplomatic efforts and naively suggests Russia could mediate change. Despite its flaws, it remains essential reading on Belarus’s political crisis.

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Australia’s Progress on Women, Peace, and Security: A Critical Look at the Latest Report The world has marked International Women's Day at a time when it seems decades of gender equality efforts are up in smoke. The Australian Government finally released their report on the implementation of Australia's National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, years behind schedule. Two leading experts provide us with a breakdown on the report and how Australia has been faring with its implementation.

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UK-Pakistan Relations Through a Decolonial Lens  This article analyses the initial post-independence UK-Pakistan relationship through a decolonial lens and makes comparisons with recent developments. The importance of this approach is the contextualisation of this relationship within colonialism, but also how steps have been and continue to be taken by both countries towards and away from decolonisation.

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Disaster Lesson Sharing: A Path to a More Disaster-Resilient Indo-Pacific    Sharing disaster lessons plays a crucial role in strengthening resilience across Indo-Pacific countries. It fosters unity and collaboration, promoting international cooperation to enhance regional preparedness and prosperity by investing in human capacity, scaling up traditional knowledge, and leveraging technology.

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