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4 hrs ago - Translate

By 2060, Canadian law could be replaced by Sharia Law Or so says this Muslim in Canada, who represents a way of thinking shared by many Muslims in the West. What say you?

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4 hrs ago - Translate

WILD BILL FOR AMERICA vs America’s Nazis As usual, Wild Bill is spot on. And speaking of Nazis…Wild Bill on the new ‘Hitler Youth.’

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4 hrs ago - Translate

CANADA: Jewish mother forced to pull her daughter out of her school because of virulent anti-Semitic bullying When she explained why her daughter was leaving, school officials accused the mother of “anti-Palestinian racism.”

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    Islamic profile picture
4 hrs ago - Translate

Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) cancels confirmation vote for a controversial Muslim federal judge nominated by Joe Biden Yet another radical Biden nominee for a lifetime appointment, Judge Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, nominated for the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon, has a dangerous record and judicial philosophy that raises serious concerns. Kasubhai repeatedly criticizes the United States as Islamophobic and once suggested that assimilation amounts to cultural erasure. Washinton Examiner Even […]

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