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A data-driven approach to making better choices In the new economics course 14.163 (Algorithms and Behavioral Science), students investigate the deployment of machine-learning tools and their potential to understand people, reduce bias, and improve society.


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Mouth-based touchpad enables people living with paralysis to interact with computers The startup Augmental allows users to operate phones and other devices using their tongue, mouth, and head gestures.


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Helping robots grasp the unpredictable MIT CSAIL’s frugal deep-learning model infers the hidden physical properties of objects, then adapts to find the most stable grasps for robots in unstructured environments like homes and fulfillment centers.


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A technique for more effective multipurpose robots With generative AI models, researchers combined robotics data from different sources to help robots learn better.


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Looking for a specific action in a video? This AI-based method can find it for you A new approach could streamline virtual training processes or aid clinicians in reviewing diagnostic videos.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine