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It’s not better to be a Man We live in PC World when we are encourged to do experiments and studies in different sexes typically biologically male and female. This is a study that says if you are biologically female that you are less likely to accumulate cognitive disability….I guess NSS on this one as it is to be expected I think. […]

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Is the penny dropping…PIRA exposed. Relapse associated worsening or RAW is sort of obvious you have a level of disability, you have an attack and you recover with increased disability….However there is the slow insidious worsening that we associate with progression and is given the name PIRA or progression independent of relapse activity. Ocrelizumab had been tried in relapsing and […]

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Is bread a reason why you don’t respond to your drug? Maybe Prof Angry’s idea wasn’t so mad. Anti-drug antibodies (ADA) are antibodies that target drugs and they can stop the drug from working. Historically antibody drugs were made in rodents (rats and mice) and if you inject them (rodent antibodies) into humans they recognise the mouse/rats bits and get rid of them. This reactivity can be reduced by making the antibodies out […]


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    Multiple Sclerosis profile picture

The future for MS which way is the Wind blowing. You probably get sick of me saying blah blah blah with my monoculture of views. But mine is just one view and I am not big headed enough to think it is the only view…..But I put my neck on the line to have opinions. Some people really don’t like my views and moan if […]

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