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Solidarity Challenges the Status Quo: A Conversation with Leah Hunt-Hendrix and Astra Taylor How might solidarity help nonprofits, movement groups, and philanthropy build a world centered in racial and economic justice?


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Will New Rules for the Road Emerge for Bank Mergers? US banking has famously become concentrated among a few “too big to fail” banks in the past few decades. Now, both activists and policymakers are calling for new limits.


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Worker Co-ops, Radical Municipalism, and Liberatory Economics Alone, worker co-ops cannot bring about a solidarity economy. But combined with a political worldview that challenges systemic inequality, they can play a critical role.


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After Spend-Down, Foundation Offers Advice on Power Imbalance in Philanthropy As the Edward W. Hazen Foundation prepares to close its doors, it leaves advice on how to build better funder and grantee relationships.


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