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28 mins ago - Translate

Issues  of enchantment (Nimue) The need for re-enchantment is an idea that comes up in both Pagan and environmental contexts. Our lack of enchantment as a species, and our lack of care are causing us to destroy the living world. If you are exploring re-enchantment, then there are a number of things to consider. Firstly, who or what...

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1 day ago - Translate

Book Review: Sacred Bones, Magic Bones  Today I'd like to offer another book review, this one for Ness Bosch's 'Sacred Bones, Magic Bones'. As someone who has worked with bones for a long time the topic of this book immediately got my attention and I was curious to see what the author's take on the subject was. First, this book is not a simple look at bones in a spiritual context. Instead it weaves together several

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1 day ago - Translate

From a Sandbank (David) I lived upon the sea.Knew the freedom of salt airin my lungs, salt wind in my hair,the violent exhilaration of flirting with death.I stood high on the bow as it thumped and soaredand thumped and thumped and soared, and struggled to breathe at the stern as it plunged underand plunged,and stayed,and stayed under,and laughed...

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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2 days ago - Translate

Being Inclusive (Nimue) One of the easiest ways to make a group more inclusive, is not to set the bar high when it comes to attendance. When you demand high levels of commitment from people, there are groups you are very likely to end up excluding, even if that isn’t the intention. People dealing with illness and...

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3 days ago - Translate

Gratitude and balance (Nimue) In winter, the bedroom window has a view of the nearby stream, which we greatly appreciate. In summer, the leaves on the trees enclose the space and it feels like living in a secluded treehouse. Both are lovely. It would be easy enough to go the other way, lamenting the loss of the stream...

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine