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Ancient Amphibians Successful Generalist Feeders According to New Study Recently published temnospondyl research suggests that adopting a generalist feeding ecology helped these ancient amphibians to survive the end-Permian mass extinction event.  The study published this week in the journal "Royal Society Open Science", concludes temnospondyl's success lay in their generalist feeding ecology. The temnospondyls consist of an extinct clade comprising around three hundred known


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Plants struggled for millions of years after the world's worst climate catastrophe Scientists have uncovered how plants responded to catastrophic climate changes 250 million years ago. Their findings reveal the long, drawn-out process of ecosystem recovery following one of the most extreme periods of warming in Earth's history: the 'End-Permian Event'.

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Exciting News! We have our First Frogspawn! Frogspawn spotted in the Everything Dinosaur office pond. After numerous cold nights, the frogs (Rana temporaria) have begun to spawn.  The first three batches of frogspawn were spotted this morning (7th March).  Last year, (2024) the first observation of frogspawn in the office pond occurred on the 18th of February.  This was the earliest date


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Prehistoric bone tool 'factory' hints at early development of abstract reasoning in human ancestors The oldest collection of mass-produced prehistoric bone tools reveal that human ancestors were likely capable of more advanced abstract reasoning one million years earlier than thought, finds a new study.

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The Beautiful PNSO Lokiceratops Model is Now in Stock The beautiful PNSO Lokiceratops dinosaur model is now in stock at Everything Dinosaur. Team members have been busy unpacking the figures in the warehouse.  This is the first, new PNSO model to arrive at Everything Dinosaur this year (2025). PNSO Lokiceratops boxes in the Everything Dinosaur warehouse. Picture credit: Everything Dinosaur. Picture credit:


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