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Mother's Day How did you spend your Mother's Day? We made a quick trip north to spend the day with my mother. As I've reported before, she's been having a tough time lately; health-wise. She's still in a care facility (as of today) and fighting as hard as she can to get back home again. Augie did what he could; he volunteered his services as a therapy dog.It must've worked because, after passing OT and PT

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Tools of the Trade I mentioned in the previous post about getting quilt tops bound and ready for finishing in front of the TV in the evenings. I thought I'd give you a little background on how I prep for that to make the task as easy as possible. First off, after attaching the binding by machine I roll the folded edge to the backside and hand baste(!) the binding into position (with a thread color that DOESN'T

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BOUND and Determined! It was a stretch (literally!) to go from the smaller, close to the body movements that I mentioned in my last post, to those with a greater range of motion; but, as my PT sessions continued, I was able to graduate to the longarm again and get a few tops quilted up and ready for finishing. First off the rails was the "Potato Chip" quilt, a fun and fast-to-make scrappy (all 2.5" X 4.5" rectangles)

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One Stitch At A Time During my bone-mending "sabbatical" from this blog I have been stitching away. Smaller, close to my body movements such as cross-stitch and piecing didn't over-reach my capabilities. I HAD to do something other than sitting still and reading! This Blackbird Designs sampler spoke to me. I'm drawn to "bee" patterns especially, maybe because my first name is actually Hebrew for bee. This

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Continuing in the Covenant On January 9, 2011, Gregory was baptized by his maternal grandfather. Here they are again: 13 years and four months later, at that same baptismal font. He, along with thirteen others, made public affirmation of that baptism yesterday; at his confirmation. We were blessed to witness this and are so very proud of this young man for his commitment and his hard work.

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول إلى Altruu ، مشاركة والتعبير عن نفسك!