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What Does the “End” of Neoliberalism Mean for the Nonprofit Sector? Philanthropic foundations have played a major role in promoting neoliberal economic frameworks that have dominated the late 20th century. Now, philanthropy and the nonprofit sector are trying to usher in a new economic framework.


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More from Fewer: The Growing Role of Ultra-Wealthy Donors Ultra-wealthy individuals are playing an increasingly large role in philanthropy, a new report finds.


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Funding Climate Mitigation: A Conversation with Michael Thatcher and Daniel Stein Why is climate mitigation so underfunded? NPQ spoke with Charity Navigator and Giving Green about areas for help—and for hope.


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Why Philanthropy Must Support Labor Justice An organizational leader makes the case that to realize racial justice, philanthropy must support worker organizing.


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What the Youth Climate Justice Movement Needs from Philanthropy The youth climate movement has been limited by a lack of systematic investment. Two young leaders examine ways philanthropy can support them.


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