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#[462] Across The Waters
After knowing her grandfather as a somber and dignified man, Judith Lovell was in awe when she discovered love letters between him and her grandmother. David Hurd had moved from Jamaica to New York City in 1907 where he took on all sorts of jobs to earn his keep. Feeling lonely, he started writing to a woman in the Caribbean. His first letter reached Avril Cato in October 1913. Over the next year David fell head over heels for the mystery woman without ever even seeing a photograph of her.Their romance grew with each letter, sent with dabs of perfume along with the loving words. Even though they’d never met in person, David sent a letter proposing marriage and nervously awaited a response. Avril’s family gave their blessing. The first time they met was in Jamaica when David arrived for their wedding date in August 1914. Sparks flew just as both had hoped. Avril left for America with David the day after their wedding. They settled into New York City and raised six children. Avril passed away in 1962. David would never marry again and loved Avril until the day he died in 1971.


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