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New to it all Amateur musician
Amateur writer
Terrible but loud and proud car/shower singer

I am very passionate about music and sounds, in 2020 i started losing hearing in my right ear and that started me on a journey of sonic discovery.

I discovered the world beneath the surface of merely hearing a song and found that despite the hearing loss, using a high end set of headphones, I could hear the individual elements of the songs composition.

From there it was a natural progression to research how to make my own music, I found that I am NOT the one to sing my own songs and that stalled me out until and the introduction of AI music assistance.

Having been given the opportunity to express myself in my own way I plan to make as much music as I can; all genres, all themes, and all the other things I don’t even know about yet.

that said, though I love writing stories and campaigns I have trouble converting them into lyrics and I am looking to get real feedback and critique on what I do have

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