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ReCircle: Young Entrepreneurs Creating a Circular Economy with Waste "But just when we were launching, there was this massive fire that took place at the Deonar dump site. You know, there's this iconic image that NASA took from space where, you know, you could see that fire burning even from space. And it went on for a few weeks in fact. ... The second thing that drove me to, you know, take that leap of faith and see how big this problem is and think that we need to work towards a solution was that we worked with an NGO called Apnalaya that works in the Deonar dump sites, in the neighbourhoods running the dump site. And they gave us a very astonishing fact that you know, that the average life expectancy of people that just live around the periphery of the dump site. These are again, not the people that work in the dump site, but only live in the slum area next to it was 38 years of age and, and that was, that was an eye-opening,  uh, you know, number to me and it helped me realise that, you know if this is impacting the people just living around the downside, how soon is it going to start impacting the rest of the rest of the city as well as the rest of the country? This story is not just about Deonar dumpsite in Mumbai, but this is pretty much made with the Ghazipur dump site in Delhi. May be, you know, Bangalore, maybe even Kolkata is pretty much the same city, same story across all cities across India. "


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