Melanoma profile picture

Greg’s Melanoma Half Marathon Fundraiser My dad has recently been diagnosed with melanoma which has unfortunately not been kind and spread to other areas. Those of you that know me will know that my dad lives in New Zealand so hearing such heartbreaking news and being the other side of the world has been devastating. Educating myself about melanoma and how awareness and early recognition is so important has made me want to spread awareness to others. During the next few months whilst my dad begins his journey to fighting this awful disease I will be training to run in Bridgwater half marathon in under 2 hours which is set to take place on Sunday 1st September 2024 and in doing so hope to raise as much money as possible towards the Melanoma charity here in the UK. Any amount that you can give will be so gratefully received by the charity… and if you fancy coming down to the half marathon to show your support feel free. For now, I’ll get back to running and I’ll keep you all updated along the way. Let’s raise some much need...

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