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GREETINGS CARDS - birthday ages I'm going to be having a bit of card week here on Print & Pattern and will be starting with ages cards.This is often about fun creatures and colours for ages 1-10 and then for the milestone birthdays it's how to be creative with type. The first selection were spotted in Marks and Spencer....Below : Bold and colourful birthday age cards spotted in Tesco...

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FATHER'S DAY 2024 - sainsbury's June 16th is Father's Day here in the UK and the shops are filling up with cards. This lovely selection were all spotted in Sainsbury's and are mostly exclusives. One of the main things I took away from this years collection is that typographic designs are the most common!

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DESIGN STUDIO - prints charming Twila Yoder is the founder and creative director for a new studio launched at the very end of 2023. Twila left her job as an Art Director for Carter’s children’s wear, where she worked for about 19 years and launched her own studio Prints Charming. Twila has a group of artists that work with her, but the majority of the art currently is her work.  Prints Charming Studio have a collection of

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FATHER'S DAY 2024 - john lewis It's almost June and it's not long until the UK Father's Day is upon us. So for today I'm posting Father's Day cards spotted in John Lewis.

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