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How do you know you are really “ready” to attend a live webinar? Are you "really" prepared to get the most out of webinars?


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Magnus Mondays — Solution Provider User Conferences, a Sign of Maturity As we’re heading into summer (at least here in Sweden), conference season is winding down for a couple of months before kicking off again in September. This spring I had the privilege of attending Ivalua Now and Coupa Inspire and found both very useful and well arranged. User conferences take an incredible amount of work […]

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Solution provider selection and how to overcome ChatGPT factual numbing Do you know this person and why you may want to know him?


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Would you have chosen Coupa as your solution provider back when? It's 2008, why would you choose Coupa as your service provider?


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A Lot Can Happen in 24-Hours (Late Night Edition) What are your thoughts about the following Forbes article on SalesForce's AI struggles?


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