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6 years ago - Translate

#I.M. Cooling Tower, Belgium
What makes this power plant look scary is its massive size and no humanly activities. The plant that had an amazing capacity to cool around 480,000 gallons of water every minute has now become one of the scariest places on earth!


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6 years ago - Translate

#Holy Land- Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
An amusement park built according to the stories and verses of the Bible, this park met a sudden death after it was shut down in the 1980s. Since then, the park has attracted plenty of ghost hunters who have claimed the presence of supernatural powers and paranormal activities within the park.


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6 years ago - Translate

#Miyake-jima, Japan
How hard and scary it will be to spend the entire life wearing a gas-mask? If you want to find an answer to this, visit the Miyake-jima, where people spent most of their lives wearing a gas mask in order to withstand the poisonous gases evolving from the active volcanoes.


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6 years ago - Translate

#Lome Bazaar, Togo, Africa
A market in Africa, where you can find all the necessary commodities to practice black magic, the Lome Bazaar is one of the scariest sites in the country. From freshly killed animals to well-preserved animal remains, skeletons and other parts, one can find everything in this market.


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6 years ago - Translate

#Eastern State Penitentiary, Pennsylvania, USA
Most of us might not be aware of the ‘Pennsylvania System’! Well, to explain it, it was a system wherein the prisoners were dumped into solitude and at times, they were left to die in such tragic circumstances. Introduced in 1829 in Philadelphia in the Eastern State Penitentiary prison, the aftermath of this horrific practice has led to several spine-chilling paranormal activities in this prison.


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