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3 hrs ago - Translate

Early Detection Tools Help but They Can’t Stop Every Wildfire Tree-mounted sensors and new satellites promise a way to detect wildfires before they get out of hand—but no early detection method is foolproof.

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8 hrs ago - Translate

The “Collapsing Gulf Stream” Scare is Back—Again This wouldn’t be so bad if they admitted the uncertainty. Instead, the article plays a game of "it’s probably not happening, but it totally could!" For instance, the IPCC says they have "medium confidence" that AMOC will not collapse this century. But some other scientists say, well, maybe it could! As one of them warns, we "maybe need to be worried"​.

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8 hrs ago - Translate

Deficiencies in Dominion’s offshore wind permits CFACT has already criticized several offshore wind permitting cases for being inadequate due to the omission of important issues, making them incomplete. Some of the worst cases are listed below. Although Dominion was not the subject of all of these criticisms, they are undoubtedly affected by them. Plus Dominion permits were the focus of many of these criticisms going back more than two years.

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8 hrs ago - Translate

Ozempic-Like Drug Failed to Treat Parkinson’s Disease in Trial The study may suggest that other researchers should be less optimistic about the prospects for treating a range of other conditions with newer weight-loss drugs.

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8 hrs ago - Translate

Hubble Space Telescope spots a spectacular Bullseye in deep space (image) NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spotted a cosmic Bullseye galaxy, revealing evidence of a rare kind of galactic collision.


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