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9 mins ago - Translate

technique to manipulate water waves to precisely control floating objects Where there's water, there are waves. But what if you could bend water waves to your will to move floating objects? Scientists have now developed a technique to merge waves in a water tank to produce complex patterns, such as twisting loops and swirling vortices. Some patterns acted like tweezers or a 'tractor beam' to hold a floating ball in place. Other patterns made the ball spin and move precisely in a circular path. In the future, the technique could be scaled down to precisely move particles the size of cells for experiments, or scaled up to guide boats along a desired path on the water.

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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4 hrs ago - Translate

During hibernation, these lemurs defy cellular aging Fat-tailed dwarf lemurs can turn back the cellular aging clock and momentarily defy time during their annual hibernation season.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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4 hrs ago - Translate

Why is Mars red? The mystery may finally be solved A new study shows how a water-rich mineral could explain Mars' color, hinting at a wetter, more habitable past on the Red Planet.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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4 hrs ago - Translate

Plastic exposure may be making bacteria resistant to drugs Researchers were shocked to see that bacteria's antimicrobial resistance is strengthened when exposed to plastic particles.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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4 hrs ago - Translate

There’s a link between infant mortality and lead in the air A new study finds a statistically significant relation between air lead concentration and infant mortality.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine