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Thursday Funnies   Always a head-scratcher The Hubbard “message to black people” is like My Philosophy. Total bunkum written to make himself sound altruistic. You don’t need to look far to find the REAL truth. His REAL message to anyone of color can be found here: Ron The Racist. Decidedly NOT funny.   Scrooge McDuck? Did you […]

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STAND League Clown Feeble Effort to Dead-Agent Alex Barnes-Ross Scientology super-OT Michael Lewis, masquerading as STAND writer Martin Landon — as Tony Ortega revealed on his Substack — now has Alex Barnes-Ross in the cross hairs of his poison pen. In the world outside the scientology bubble, this is a badge of honor. It signifies that what Alex is doing to expose scientology’s abuses […]

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NEW Exposing Scientology Podcast — Former BBC Producer Sarah Mole   Sarah Mole was the BBC Panorama producer I came to know through her work on their two scientology episodes. In the first, I was a spokesman for the cult, in the second, a whistleblower. We discuss what impressions the organization and I made on her and the strange journey we have traveled from antagonists […]

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How to File a Complaint Against LAPD From LAPD’s website:  The Los Angeles Police Department continues to investigate allegations of misconduct, violations of Department policy, and excessive force during the recent civil unrest. In an effort to keep the […]


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Scientologist David Gentile’s Criminal Defense Part 3: “The Case Against Me Should Be Dismissed Entirely!” Scientologist and criminal defendant David Gentile and his co-defendant Jeffry Schneider — whose US Federal criminal trial begins June 10 in Brooklyn — have used these two legal tactics in pretrial motions: […]


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