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POP ART: Episode 115, The Fantastic Mr. Fox/Straight Time POP ART SAYS: JUST WHEN YOU THINK YOU’RE OUT–Episode 115, The Fantastic Mr. Fox/Straight Time “Because I’m going to get caught”. For this episode, I and Todd Liebenow of Forgotten Filmcast, had a great time discussing two films in which ex-cons try to go the straight and narrow…or do they? We especially had a great […]

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The Third Season John welcomes Meredith Scardino (Girls5eva) and Jen Statsky (Hacks) to discuss the highs and lows of writing the third season of a hit comedy. But how do you push a series forward without violating the premise or retreading familiar terrain? Are the shows still the shows they pitched? How has streaming changed since their shows […]
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Scriptnotes, Episode 639: Intrinsic Motivation, Transcript The oringinal post for this episode can be found here. John August: Hello and welcome. My name is John August. Craig Mazin: My name is Craig Mazin. John: And this is Episode 639 of Scriptnotes, a podcast about screenwriting and things that are interesting to screenwriters. Today on the show, why are you or your […]
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Scriptnotes, Episode 640: Can You Believe It?, Transcript The original post for this episode can be found here. John August: Hey, this is John. Heads up that today’s episode has just a little bit of swearing in it. Hello and welcome. My name is John August, and this is Episode 640 of Scriptnotes, a podcast about screenwriting and things that are interesting to […]
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Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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How Toy Story 3’s Six Tentpole Moments Can Elevate YOUR Screenwriting and Filmmaking Skills “BODY BLOW! BODY BLOW!Dialogue from Punch-Out! arcade game When I was 23 and just a year out of film school, I had steady work as a freelance photographer but supplimented my income by doing deliveries one day a week. At the end of my route to a convenience store somewhere in Southern California, I would […]

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