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1 Tag - übersetzen

adding heirloom details to your sewing Liesl used two easy techniques to add heirloom details to her Verdun Woven Tee and explains how to do it here. We hope you'll try it!


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5 Tage - übersetzen

DIY Needle Sorting Pincushion The thrill of selecting a pattern, snagging that perfect fabric, and retreating to your personal haven of creativity to craft a spectacular piece is unrivaled. Whether gorgeous garment, cozy quilt, chic handbag, or comfy pillow, the journey is the reward. But sometimes we just need that immediate ‘sew’-phoria from a quick and easy project. This […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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11 Tage - übersetzen

White doesn’t exist in nature I finally finished the white jumpsuit. Standards slipped as the project dragged on and on. Much of the planned top stitching was skipped and I used snaps for the cuff closure instead of buttons. But failing to stick to the plan isn’t the only reason I think this one is a failure; the fabric choice […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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11 Tage - übersetzen

Friday Faves / May 2024 Things I’m into and up to right now, late spring edition.


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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11 Tage - übersetzen

Rickrack is All the Rage You see it everywhere—dresses, pillows, linens, aprons and more. Rickrack is a simple braided trim that forms a zigzag pattern and it’s been around since the 1800s. Fashion historians note that rickrack was originally used on feedsack dresses and to help improve the look of garments made from reused fabrics. Today’s rickrack is usually 100% […]

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