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Lyrical It was only a shadow's whisper touching lips with a silent kiss  soft as the winds gathering memories  beneath the valance of the moonlight  and the webs through a looking glass    of a poetic scholar in braille, alluring   enticed by the lyrical...

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The Story of Days The days passed in lazy friendship, while Girl's bruises and aches slowly started to heal. Finally came the day when she was tired of behaving sensibly, and hanging around the cabin all the time. No matter how entertaining - or infuriating, or amusing - the Bear could be, she was aware that the world around them was beautiful, and she was seeing only the part she could witness from the

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The Shadow in the House We had moved, thousands of miles away. Dad claimed it was a job transfer, but I knew the real reason. I knew it was because of the shadow in the house.  At first, my parents didn't believe me. Said I was just hearing things; all in my head. Then, out of the blue, Dad announced a job offer, ironically very far away.  I felt safer the first night after the move. There was something

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Getting A Little Heiny Camping. Love it or hate it, it sucks. Rainy tent erection. Sucks. Boisterous drunken neighbours. Sucks. Mosquitoes. Every single one of them sucks. What doesn't suck are the shared lasting memories that are both measurable and immeasurable. The indelible ties that bind. The best of which involve firsts. This year, in the shadow and under the stars of our glorious Rocky Mountains, we shared

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Pain I scream out in agony, he just smiles. I tell him I hate him, still, he smiles. The pain is so bad, it's all his doing. Why did he do this to me, I hate him. No apology from the man who caused me so much pain. I scream out. "Get away from me, you did this." The pain is so bad. Will it ever end?   And then he starts to cry. My pain and hate turns to love, the greatest love as he

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine