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Making airfield assessments automatic, remote, and safe U.S. Air Force engineer and PhD student Randall Pietersen is using AI and next-generation imaging technology to detect pavement damage and unexploded munitions.


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2025 MacVicar Faculty Fellows named MIT professors Paloma Duong, Frank Schilbach, and Justin Steil are honored for exceptional undergraduate teaching.


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Why it's good to be nostalgic: Study shows sentimental people excel at maintaining friendships Do you have lots of close friends—and work hard to keep it that way? If you've answered "yes", you are probably nostalgic. People who are prone to nostalgia have more close friends and put more effort into maintaining their friendships and other relationships than less sentimental sorts.

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Cultural influence on pricing strategies: How national values shape round, just-below, and precise price tags It is well known that culture influences consumer behavior, but the impact of culture on pricing is less studied. One way culture might be reflected in price tags is through price endings, which can be round (e.g. $10.0, just below (e.g. £9.99), or precise (e.g. €9.87). While all these price endings are common, little is known about why sellers in certain markets prefer one over the others.

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Latest results from 20+ year Oxford study reveals ongoing impacts of global crises on young people The latest findings of Young Lives, a unique longitudinal study led by the University of Oxford, highlights how persistent inequalities and global crises are impacting the lives of young people in some of the poorest communities in the world least able to withstand them.

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