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BEST SUMMER BAGS Fall is my favorite season, but summer is definitely the easiest to dress for. I love a dress you can throw on and go (I’ve been wearing this one the most) and the bags are always the cutest!! Adding any more to my wardrobe would be excessive….but that’s not stopping me from rounding up the...


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Twenty Something profile picture

WEEK OF OUTFITS 6.4.24 Another week of outfits! I kind of love that I started and ended this week’s looks with the same dress in a different color. I am, if nothing else, consistent. LAST WEEK’S WIN: I mentioned last week that I had some fun plans and everything went off without a hitch! Honestly, it was a lot of...


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Twenty Something profile picture

WHAT I READ IN MAY 2024 I had a great month of reading! I feel like after months and months of being super sick and tired while pregnant (too tired to read and very low ability to concentrate…) and surviving the “fourth trimester” and getting Rory into a good bedtime routine, I finally have the time to read more substantial chunks of...


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Twenty Something profile picture

DIARY No. 116 I haven’t done a diary post in a while. I stopped right before giving birth in February– the last one I did was actually on February 3 and life changed so dramatically since then. We said goodbye Hamilton and welcomed Rory the following week. It felt hard to even catch my breath there for a while....


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    Twenty Something profile picture

ON MY RADAR 5.31.24 Summer is unofficially here and let me be the first one to tell you: The Riordan family is ready! We’ve been eating outside every night (as long as it’s not raining). We’ve been playing with bubbles, scooting with our cousins, and practicing our bike riding skills. I just rewashed all of our bathing suits to get...


Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine