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A Letter To My Doctor The last two months have been more stressful than any other time in my life, and I’ve had some shady moments in my past, I promise you. The fear of not knowing, that gray place called ‘maybe’ has worked its way into my brain to the point of self medicating. Yes, I am an alcoholic […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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Happy Birthday, Sioux…. Dearest Siouxsie! Sorry I forgot your birthday. It’s difficult to remember when it comes around, for I celebrate you often, nearly daily, listening to your music, admiring your contribution to culture. My husband will role his eyes when I play your work. (Been playing “Pinned Down” at high volume a lot lately). Those close to […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
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That Forgotten Folded Flag And there it was. Somewhat metaphoric. Someone’s life….Someone’s service to our country. Phillip passes a donation bin on his way to work everyday. It’s solidly in the middle of the parking lot in the plaza. And sometimes things don’t make it into the bin, they just end up around it. That’s when Phillip will come […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine
    UK Knitting profile picture

I Am With Him Here we are, deep in the evening, cresting past midnight. My eyes open skyward. The moon casts a beautiful and serene light on everything I hadn’t seen during the daytime. Different shadows, different sounds. The calm. The quiet. Birds don’t chirp, nobody demands that a leaf blower make everything perfect and pretty, and no one […]

Discover the world at Altruu, The Discovery Engine