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Sweet Potato Muffins! Fluffy, Moist, Irresistible! These muffins are delicious. A fluffy muffin that is healthier than your average muffin is made with sweet potato puree, coconut oil, less sugar than normal and even has chia seeds inside. I find them hard to keep my hands off of. Knowing they're healthier "just one more" is easy to do. They're surprisingly tasty and a fun way to get your family to have a healthy snack. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! {"image":"\",\"name Sweet Potato Muffi [...]


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Podcast Time! 7th Planet Broadcasting is back! Hi Dear Souls,7th Planet Broadcasting is a podcast station that my late husband used to run and is coming back! I wish it could be with our beloved host Gerald Clark, yet when times change, we have to be open to change too.Introducing the return of 7th Planet Broadcasting and what better way than with our beloved friend Betty with Betty and I go into depth on the divine feminine, how she came to know Gerald and his work, Inanna, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Her NEW BOOK& [...]


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