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The Power of Prayer Prayer is not a part of Buddhism.  Chanting is, but that is a learning and affirming process; it is very helpful, but it is not prayer.It is important to note that the prayer I'm talking about is not traditional prayer, which is to some force outside us; as I have explained before, I am not referring to the Judeo-Christian God, asking Him to make something happen.  There is no force in the universe which is a master puppeteer.  Instead, my prayer is to the Buddha nature, the divin [...]

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Entering the Story: An Interview with Vanessa Sasson The field of Buddhist Studies is opening up and changing. The door is starting to open.


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Thoughts on Disability and Access in Zen Practice Exploring disability and inclusivity in Zen practice and creating communities that truly embody the welcoming spirit of the Dharma.


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Meet SFZC’s New Outreach Coordinator, Ellen Simpson Ellen Simpson has been in the role of Outreach Coordinator for San Francisco Zen Center for only three months—and her work is taking off!


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Joy - The Final Take - Taking Joy in Each Moment  Is Only Possible When You Radiate Light I have written many posts about the challenge of experiencing joy - as my Vietnamese monk teacher said to me, "Take joy in each moment, in everything you do."  Every time I thought I had found the key to have this experience, it turned out to be lacking.Recently though, in visualizing the monk who gave me this advise, I realized something.  He always radiated light, much as the Buddha is reported to have done.  His skin was said to have glowed; the monk's did as well.And when I re [...]

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