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Financial services concluded at a distance in digital age - the new Directive 2023/2673 In 2023, European lawmakers were busy improving the protection of consumers in financial services. In addition to the new Directive 2023/2225 on consumer credit (on which we reported here), the regime distance marketing of financial service was also revamped. The new Directive 2023/2673 on financial services contracts concluded at a distance repeals the current Directive 2002/65/EC. The Directive

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KlimaSeniorinnen and Gender This blog post discusses the relevance of the KlimaSeniorinnen case to the discussion of vulnerability and intersectional gender in climate litigation. To date, very few climate cases have addressed the gendered dimensions of climate change and there was some hope that this case would. However, as this post argues, despite the fact that KlimaSeniorinnen is a case about the impacts of climate change on elderly women, the Court fails to meaningfully engage with gender as a determinant of the harms suffered by individuals. Gender remains an overlooked issue in climate litigation.

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Not a Disaster, but a Missed Opportunity Following lengthy negotiations within Germany’s coalition government, on 26 April 2024, the Bundestag passed an amendment to the Federal Climate Protection Act. One part of the amendment in particular has drawn sharp criticism from environmental NGOs, experts, and commentators: the abolition of annual, sector-based targets for greenhouse gas emissions reduction, which form the basis of the obligation for ministries to submit ‘immediate action programmes’ (Sofortprogramme). We argue that many critics overestimated the effectiveness of the Sofortprogramm mechanism, as enshrined in the original version of the KSG, in enforcing Germany's ambitious climate targets. Instead, we must realistically assess the potential, and limits, of institutional design to deliver ambitious climate policy.

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Wie klage ich meinen Landrat weg? In Thüringen finden am 26. Mai 2024 Kommunalwahlen statt. Vergangene Woche hat der Wahlausschuss des Landkreis Hildburghausen Tommy Frenck mit drei zu zwei Stimmen als Kandidaten zugelassen und damit vorläufig die nötige Verfassungstreue attestiert. Sollte der Rechtsextremist zum Landrat gewählt werden, steht den Wahlberechtigten ein bislang wenig beachteter Weg offen, um diese Einschätzung gerichtlich überprüfen zu lassen: In Thüringen kann jede*r Wahlberechtigte mit einer Wahlanfechtung als Quasi-Popularklage die Verletzung der Wählbarkeitsvoraussetzungen vor den Verwaltungsgerichten geltend machen.


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The Genre-Bending of Climate Litigation in India In a widely acclaimed judgment, India recently saw its first climate ruling issued by the Supreme Court. The Court derived the right to be free from the adverse effects of climate change from Article 21 and Article 14 of the Constitution. The ruling of the Supreme Court has been classified in this blog as an important step in connecting human rights and climate change. In this blog post, I offer another overarching route that cases connected to climate change in India have taken, which is genre-bending in that they use environmental litigation as the pathway to also address climate change.

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