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Moral injury in cardiac misdiagnosis Moral injury is "the distressing psychological, behavioral, social, and sometimes spiritual aftermath of our exposure to serious stress and trauma"

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول إلى Altruu ، مشاركة والتعبير عن نفسك!
    Heart profile picture

Survey: how women (and our doctors) respond to early cardiac symptoms Female heart patients would love to believe that all cardiologists are "extremely well prepared" to assess our cardiovascular risks - but is that true?

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول إلى Altruu ، مشاركة والتعبير عن نفسك!
    Heart profile picture

How many molecules of LDL enter the coronary vascular endothelium per day ? LDL is potrayed as villian de-chief of atheroscerlois and CAD.But, LDL of about 100 to 160 mg concentration is in constant circulation, in a smooth manner serving other physiological vascular functions. The force of evidence that LDL can pierce an Intact endothelium is so huge no one can has the courage to dispute.But, it doesnt […]

الرجاء تسجيل الدخول إلى Altruu ، مشاركة والتعبير عن نفسك!